Love and Lemons

Solar Nails:Things You Need To Know About Solar Nails

Solar nails, a type of artificial nail enhancement, have gained popularity as an alternative to traditional acrylic nails. Understanding what solar nails are, their composition, application process, benefits, and potential drawbacks can help individuals make informed choices about this nail enhancement option.

What Are Solar Nails?

Contrary to popular belief, "solar nails" aren't a brand or specific product; rather, it's a term that's sometimes used interchangeably with acrylic nails. Traditionally, solar nails refer to a specific type of acrylic nail enhancement technique that involves a two-step process using a combination of a powder and liquid monomer.

Composition and Application:

Solar nails are typically composed of a combination of a white or pink powder made of acrylic polymers and a liquid monomer. The application process involves layering the powder and liquid mixture onto the natural nail or nail extension using a brush. Nail technicians carefully sculpt and shape the nails before they harden through a curing process, often done under a UV light.

Benefits of Solar Nails:

Durability: Solar nails are known for their durability and strength. They can withstand everyday activities better than natural nails and may be less prone to chipping or breaking.

Customization: They offer options for customization in terms of color, shape, and length, allowing individuals to achieve the desired look for their nails.

Less Filing: Unlike gel nails, solar nails generally require less filing during the application process, which may reduce potential damage to the natural nail.

Long-Lasting: With proper maintenance and care, solar nails can last several weeks before requiring a fill or touch-up.

Potential Drawbacks:

Strong Odor: The application process of solar nails can produce a strong chemical odor from the liquid monomer, which may be unpleasant for some individuals.

Potential Damage: Improper application or removal can damage the natural nail bed, leading to thinning or weakening of the nails.

Allergic Reactions: Some people may develop allergic reactions or sensitivities to the chemicals used in the acrylic application process.

Maintenance Required: Solar nails require regular fills or maintenance every few weeks to maintain their appearance and integrity.

Misconceptions about Solar Nails:

Confusion with Gel Nails: There's often confusion between solar nails and gel nails. Solar nails use an acrylic-based powder and liquid, while gel nails involve a gel-like substance cured under UV light.

Natural Ingredient Misunderstanding: Despite the term "solar," which might imply a natural or solar-based product, solar nails are composed of acrylic polymers and not derived from solar or natural sources.

Maintenance Tips:

Ensure regular maintenance appointments for fills or touch-ups to prevent lifting and maintain the integrity of the nails.

Avoid using nails as tools to prevent breakage or damage.

Moisturize cuticles and hands regularly to keep the nails and surrounding skin healthy.


While solar nails offer durability, customization, and long-lasting results, individuals considering this nail enhancement should be aware of the potential drawbacks and ensure they go to a qualified and experienced nail technician for application and removal. Careful maintenance and adherence to proper aftercare instructions are essential to preserve the health and appearance of both the solar nails and the natural nails underneath. Ultimately, consulting with a professional and understanding the process thoroughly is vital before opting for solar nail enhancements.
